El Azar Technologies
Innovating and commercializing disruptive technologies
Technology portfolio:
Accelerated production of solid rocket motors (SRM)
Two main bottlenecks exist in US missile production, namely the process & player bottlenecks.
- Process bottleneck: Curing times for solid rocket propellants using synthetic rubber as a binder takes days
- Player bottleneck: There are too few players in the SRM supply chain.
What is offered:
A family of 3D printable compositions well suited to displacing current synthetic-rubber based APCP propellants, because ours are: better, faster to make, safer and more flexible.
Main features:
- Fast curing times for propellant grains; within seconds for some geometries, vs. days for conventional APCP propellants. Improvement by a factor of 1000+.
- Composition on offer is 3D printable.
- SRMs may be manufactured on demand, in situ. This has implications for insensitive munitions (e.g. naval magazines) or longer storage times (e.g. national stockpiles).
- New propellant has high mechanical toughness and elongation to failure
- New propellant is safe and stable
- New propellant has a low visibility burn
- The speed, manufacturing flexibility and performance of the composition significantly ameliorates the process and player bottlenecks.
Our proprietary binders are available for sale & evaluation as-is. Please reach out for more details.
Extended range, silent, air independent naval propulsion system
Torpedoes remain highly effective tools for taking out surface vessels. Range of torpedoes is limited.
What is offered:
A novel, air independent naval propulsion system.
Main features:
- Superior range to existing non-nuclear AIP systems such as Otto Fuel or lithium batteries.
- Silent
- Long shelf-life
- Safe and insensitive
- Easier to manufacture; comparable to battery electric AIP systems in complexity
- Comparable price to battery electric AIP
- Suitable for submerged and surface platforms
Please send any enquiries to "enquiries at elazartech.com". PGP key available upon request.